Tuesday, March 17th, 2009.

Hello you all!

I would like to start by saying Happy birthday to my dear Grandma Joanne!! It's her birthday today and i want her to know i'm thinking of her =) and also Grandma thank you for your comment the other day, made me very happy to see and to know that you are reading my blog aswell.

And ofcourse, thank you to all you others who always read and leave comments. thank you, i enjoy reading your comments.

Today is tuesday and i had a very good practice this morning. I might even say amazing..haha well okay it was very good, lets just leave it at that. I find it interesting how you really never know how practice is going to be. Somedays are good, some are bad, some are really good and some are really bad. I guess it depends on a lot of things really, the way your body and mind are feeling, what you've eaten or been drinking the day before etc, if you've had a god nights sleep. Well yeah it depends on lots of things i guess. But today..deffinetly one of my best practices here yet, one of them =) A lot better than lead class sunday atleast when it was so crowded i spent bigger parts of my practice trying not to jump in to people or have people jump in to me. We were talking about that at breakfast this morning, lead classes and a guy said.."well really lead class is just about surviving!" haha i liked that. It describes how tough it can be sometimes.

Well so my practice today was very good, i deffinetly had some kind of flow going, being focussed or what ever you want to call it. I felt very '"aware"of my practice. And less aware of things around me. Lovely feeling really.

When my alarm went off this morning i swear i thought i was at home, which actually i first thought was very strange cause i haven't had that thougt for a while now, usually now when my alarm goes off i know that i'm in india and i'm off to practice. You just get used to things. But today i was surprised to find myself in india actually and while getting ready to go to practice i was wondering why this surpried me today and then slowly it came to me that i had been dreaming that i was at home.
It's strange really cause usually when i wake up i wont know what i've been dreaming first and then after i've been awake for a while it will come to me or i'll see something that will remind me of something from my dream and it will come to me that way.
Either way i dreamed i had just gotten home, back from india and even in my dream i was surprised to be home i was like "hmm that's strange that i am home already" and i was with my family which ofcourse was nice and i was giving them gifts that i'd bought them, the thing was that in my dream the things i was giving them i had no memory of buying. And they were quite weird things as well. And my family who ofcourse are lovely even in my dreams were all nice and sweet and saying things like "oh how nice thank you michelle!" when infact in my dream i was thinking "why the hell did i buy that"and actually i was a bit embarrassed of how ugly and strange things i'd bought. I had bought this awful longsleeved shirt for Henrik. i mean really in my dream i thought "what was i thinking?"and Henrik was so nice about it thanking me and i was so embarassed. haha it was a strange dream. Henrik i promise i wont buy you a ugly longsleeved shirt!
 Oh and another strange thing about my dream.. while all this was happening we were ofcourse at home..only the thing was that home was in Jarlasa. The house i grew up in, the house i moved away from when i was twelve, still in my dream i knew that that was 'home'
And still after that house i've actually had two other homes. yet still in my dreams (this has happened before, even a few times here in india) when i dream of 'home' it is the house i grew up in. Do any of you have that as well?
I dreamed for a few weeks ago that i was going to an early practice with my mom and dad and we overslept and i stood in the kitchen (of the house i grew up in) together with my parents wondering why all the clocks in the house went wrong. Strange.. and in my dream the kitchen looked exactly as it did when i was little, i remember in my dream seeing that white fruitbasket we had hanging over the counter, i remember the color of the wooden counter lots of details that i haven't thought about for years.... strange.

Well okay enough about my strange dreams. I mean seriously when was the last time you heard anyone say "hey i had a totally normal dream last night!" ? Yep whatever.

After practice i went home(my home in india) and drank green tea and ate some fresh fruit, then i showered and went for breakfast at Alias where i had more fruit, a hummus sandwich and shared a large pot of coffee with a friend. Nice.
And after breakfast i went straight here. Yep that's my day so far =)
oh another thing about 'home' i had a feeling the other day after coming home to my apartment after dinner, i went in and closed the door and thought to myself "oh its nice to be home" and then i kind of laughed at myself at how quickly you tend to get used to things and how the life here has all of a sudden became everyday life and how everyday life at home in sweden now somehow seems foreign. Yeah we sure are creatures of habit aren't we. Get us in to somekind of a routine and we're happy. =)
okay i need to stop writing about strange things now.
But well 'just want you to know i'm happy

Here are som photos from the last few days:

I went to the Zoo with my friend Brooke for a few days ago, it was quite fun. Allthough the indian people thought we were more interesting than the animals =) I especially enjoyed all of the hilarious signs everywhere and ofcourse the clothes that the indian tourists were wearing, i love their "western style"- indian clothes.
I wish i'd gotten pics of that. Here's one of the signs though.

Another stupid tourist infront of that sign =)

Some pics from around here:

I hope you all have a wonderful day!!


Postat av: Manne


Jag ska skicka dig till en drömtydare när du kommer hem :)

Underbar skylt med kannibalzebran.

Härligt att träningen gick bra, nu är det bara att öka.


2009-03-17 @ 07:11:29
Postat av: Mommy

Hi Honey,

Great to hear all about your dreams and your life in India. Yes, dreams are stange - and interesting. Take good care of yourself, enjoy your practice. Miss you and love you.

Love, Mommy

2009-03-17 @ 08:45:15
Postat av: Lisa

Hey Mich, funny about all your dreams, I often dream that Järlåsa still is my home, weird...love the pictures, as usual:-) Cute pic of you in front of the Yoga place:-)

Love you!


2009-03-17 @ 13:44:03
Postat av: Gramma

Thank you for the Birthday Wishes. I had a nice b'day - lots of phone calls and I received a lot of very nice cards.

Love you & miss you - gramma

2009-03-19 @ 02:13:41

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