Thursday, March 12th, 2009.


Yesterday was a moonday which meant no practice, I went to the southern star with Brooke and we layed on the grass under the palm trees working on our tans and sipping sweet lime sodas. Yum.
So today is thursday and i've done my practice, i fellt quite tired today though, maybe since i didn't practice yesterday, who knows. It went okay though. After practice i went home and showered then went to Alia's for some toast and some coffee. Today is a coffee day i guess. =) they have good coffee there.

The last few days it's been a bit cloudier in the mornings, which actually is quite nice cause it makes it possible to be out walking in mid day with out being in direct sunlight the whole time(read: without constantly sweating)
It's still quite hot though but i think i'm getting more and more used to the heat, which i guess is a good thing.
I'm thinking about taking awalk around and just taking photos around town today(or someday soon atleast), you really see a lot of interesting things. Some day soon i'll come here and just upload a bunch of photos, i don't think i'll do it today though because it takes quite some time, cause it goes veeery slowly. But yeah i'll try to keep you updated with some pics someday soon.
I was taking pictures on my way here, i took a picture of this really shabby cat. Somehow the dogs walking around here look much more healthier than the few cats you see.
When i came in to the internet cafe` here that i'm at right now the owner commented first on my pants then looked at my camera and said "oh you should take some photos of my son!" haha don't you just love the people here? i do. The conversations you have with people here, even just walking down the street or whatever, you always get in to  these strange conversations with indian people. It's really funny somedays. The other day this guy stopped us to comment on my friends skirt, something about in india men wear skirts too. And we were saying yes like the guy who lives here and pointed to the house beside where we live (cause usually that guy always wears skirts) and the man said "no ma'am he is wearing shorts" (because yes..that day he was)
Or the other day having dinner at this restaurant parklane, when they brought the bill out they had put the bill in a little silver box and Brooke said "Oh how cute!" and the waiter answered "it's just a box ma'am!"
Okay i'm going to get off this computer now, i need to write some e-mails first though.

hope you all are well =)


Postat av: Manne

Världsklass på dom kommentarerna från indierna. :)

Skönt med lite moln så det inte är så jättevarmt. Ser verkligen fram emot bilderna.

Ha det awesome


2009-03-12 @ 07:10:27
Postat av: Lisa

hahaha thats funny, "just a box" :-)


2009-03-14 @ 14:14:44

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