Saturday, February 21, 2009.

Yesterday i am happy to say that i cooked food for the first time in maybe four weeks, and also the first time using my new plates and dishes that Murthy finally got me (after a week) hmm..i quite like that thought. Fixing food in my apartment, my apartment in india. Oh please do note that when i say i fixed food i mean i boiled water on the burner made myself a cup noodle & a cup of tea =) i'm just delighted actually to be able to fix myself tea in my place. So actually what i'm trying to say is i'm just glad for getting pots and plates. Funny things was that murthy was supposed to fix them for me for actually several days ago and everyday he had been telling me that he would bring them over, and then everyday he just wouldn't. So i'd ask him again and he'd smile and wag his head from side to side and say "no problem i bring tomorrow"
So yesterday i decided i'd go to Loyal World and buy myself a little pan just to be able to boil water for my tea. And while i'm doing my shopping who don't i meat? if not murthy - buying things for me. Ironic =)

Today is saturday which means no practice today, which actually was quite nice, i had a nice sleep in and then went down to Alia's for breakfast. -i did not have eggs actually. But i did have my usual large chai and delicious fruitsalad.
After breakfast i went to the market with two ladies i met at Alia's actually the one woman i met like yesterday i think. So we took a riksha down to the market and just had a look around. The thing i like best about being here, in india is that there really is always something happening. There is just so much to just look at constantly, LIke down at the market i swear you could probably stand in the same spot most of the day and just look at the people and everything going on around you. It's fascinating really.
So we walked around town for a few hours and ended up coming back having lunch here at Anu's. Where i'm now sitting using the internet which is working today! How bout that? =)

Being here makes me also appreciate the silence that we had in Goa, purple valley. Because is never really quiet. There is a constant stream of traffic, and anyone ever been to india knows that the traffic is anything but quiet. But i'm getting used to it. The noises. The traffic noises will go on until long after you've gone to bed and start before you wake up, there are actually a few hours in the middle of the night when it is rather quiet but usually i'll wake up then thinking something is wrong like "hey why is it so quiet?" also there is not just the sound from rikshas, mopeds, buses and cars there are ofcourse the animals =) The dogs start barking at night. There was this one dog the other night that was constantly barking from like 3:30-4:30 in the morning, just barking barking constantly.
And then another noise..and this might sound silly, but cats! Infact kittens. The neighbours around me seem to be like breeding cats n their roof or something it sounds like cause there is the constant sound of kittens mjauing in the night. Haha it's so strange.

Well this is all for now, i'm totally tired after being out in the sun and at the market its amazing how the hot weather will make you so very tired. It's getting hotter for everyday going by it seems like. I can't imagine how it'll be in april =)

take care.


Postat av: Lisa

I can imagine the traffic is VERY noisy, I bet you get used to it, you´re lucky that you can sleep in noisy places though:)

I think the dogs and cats would bug me more than the traffic though!! If they´re barking again tonight, go out and bang them with one of your new pans:-D

Love you!

2009-02-21 @ 11:34:39
Postat av: Anonym

Hi Honey,

Sounds like you are having fun. Are there monkeys too? Daddy told about the monkeys on the roof at night. Hope you are managing to sleep ok. More soon in an email. Love you and miss you!

2009-02-21 @ 16:39:13
Postat av: Manne

skönt med vilodag idag. Elaine hade problem med en skällande hund på nätterna i Seinfeld, hon "anställde" Newman att ta hand om saken. Kolla om det finns någon Newman aktig människa där. :)

Vädret hät i April kommer väl att vara en blandning av regn och 15 gradiga dagar :)

2009-02-21 @ 20:02:35

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