Wednesday, February 04, 2009.

I think I just got bit by a mosquito on my hand. damn it! The mosquitos like me, especially my hands..the dogs like me too, it seems. There is one dog here that always comes up and grabs a hold of my skirt and starts pulling. "Stop it!" haha. And then ofcourse there is the Purple Valley dog Astrovarti that likes to lay exactly where I am laying while reading. That's okay, she's sweet.

Hot today, just got back from the market, went for a trip to mapusa market again. Gee that market is huge.. you keep walking and walking and still you've seen nothing. Nice things though. Lots of nice fruit and vegetables, that is where the indian people supposedly shop their food. Then ofcourse there are the regular tourist things, shoes, insence etc. We actually bought both shoes and incense today. Mom wanted to buy a pair of flipflops, and i mostly for fun tried on a pair that were quite nice. He wanted 250Rs for the ones mom wanted, she said "no no, 250 for both of them" So we got 2 pair of shoes for 250 Rs= about 50 swedish kronor. Well that's a good deal. I'm wearing mine right now, as i'm writing. Not so comfortable in the begining, but they are sure are pretty =)( i can't really be shopping cause my backpack was full when i came;))

I went to the post office today, you have to glue on the stamps, you buy them then you go over to a special table with little jars of liquid glue that you paste on yourself.

Practice was good today, first i thought i'd just do a light version but i ended up doing my whole thing. Fourth day today. Oh yeah the new pose i got, i went to check it out on my papers, I brought a laminated copy of the primary series so that i could learn the names during my trip. And i found that it wasn't on my paper ? Hmm strange i thought so i checked it out at the shala yesterday evening, they have a big framed picture of Sharath doing the whole primary and intermediate series, and i found out that my new pose is from the intermediate series! Who would have guessed.

Well lunch today was as always great. The food here! Oh my! I can't even begin to explain the different tastes. It's truly lovely.
Well i guess i'm off again, might go get a shower before dinner.


Postat av: Manne

Världsklass att du smygit in på intermediate. Kan inte säga att jag är helt med på banan, men det låter bra och verkar kännas bra för dig, så då utgår jag från att det är världsklass. Keep it up.


2009-02-04 @ 14:20:49
Postat av: Lisa

intermediate? sounds hard:-D

I´m proud of you, you´re doing great!

Love ya!

2009-02-04 @ 18:38:52

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