Thursday, February 26th, 2009.
I seem to be settling in more and more for every day that goes by. The last few days i've been filled with this feeling of just....happiness i guess. Or some kind of large gratitude atleast. Just being here..i mean it's amazing..isn't it? It's just weired. Somedays my alarm will go off and it'll take me some time to locate first the alarm, then myself and then when i finally start making some kind of sense of it all i'm like.. "wow i'm actually here"
So they last few days walking to practice in the morning (and ofcourse the walking back from it aswell) i've just been thinking how lovely it is to be here and how i want to just simply enjoy every minute of it. Just doing the simplest things like walking down the street. It's great fun..cause it's INDIA!
So the other day i had a funny experience fixing my shoe. My shoe had broken and i just asked this man if he could maybe put some glue on it. It ended up taking him maybe forty mintes..practically taking my entire shoe apart..even the one that wasn't broken..glueing it and then sewing around the whole things (both shoes) at first i was in bit of a rush cause i was supposed to be going with Gillian to meditation. Then i kind of decided.."ah what the heck, i've got two months" so i sat down in that little cupboard thing that is his workplace and just watched him turn my shoes in to a new pair. It's a nice change of life to not constantly be in a hurry. Even though the slow pace sometimes gets to you, i think it's actually quite important to just..slow down.
After my shoes had gotten the indian "extreme makeover" i came here to Anu's and used the internet (and ofcourse to have a giant smoothie with peanuts and chocolate in), i even got to talk to my sister, her husband and their two little kids. With webcam and sound and everything. Ah it was great. First just seeing them and then actually getting to have a conversation with them. It made me very happy. Somehow just seeing them and talking to them actually made me less homesick. Usually i see my sister several times a week and we will talk together every night on the phone for like easy an hour just about ordinary stuff. And i hadn't spoken to her for almost a month!! Which has been awful thinking about it now. So it just fellt so nice to have a chat with her. Made me think of how much they all mean to me. But instead of making me sad and more homesick it just made me feel so fortunate so be on this amazing journey and at the same time have such an amazing family at home.
Sydney (my 10month old niece) had learned how to wave and she was waving to me over the web. Oh it was the sweetest thing ever and it made my eyes water and to see Hailie (two and a half years) and hear her say "look it's michie, you're in Inana(india)" oh it just was lovely =) So thanks dear family for that .
Today i had a really good practice (isn't that nice when that happens) I seem to be able to bind in mareechasana d now on both sides actually (with the foot in cheating here no) It feels good..well good might be exaggerating actually on my left side it does still hurt a little in my knee. But still it makes me feel that something is actually happening. Sometimes you'll go so long with feeling nothings happening with the body and then you suddenly realise you're able to do something that you couldn't for a week or a month ago. It's nice.
Also Sharath gave me a new pose today, kurmasana. Haha i couldn't really get it to work. He had to help me quite alot. Still i found it fun to get a new pose. I was kind of laughing at myself for doing the pose so ugly and he just smiled and said "we just take it slowly" or as Patthabi would have said "practice practice and all is coming"
isn't that a lovely saying..i mean really it works on everything.
So after practice, and after a nice breakfast at Alia's where this weeks craving seems to be their homemade peanutbutter. I went to a cooking class here at Anu's. It was actually Anu (Ganesh's wife) who held the course. I really enjoyed it. We got to learn how to make a mungbean daal and paneer (for the palak paneer) It was fun and interesting and ended with us getting to eat the amazing indian food. I hope i'll be able to cook some of the food here when i get home. It really is a sensation for the whole mouth. I'm not sure we can get all the spices though. But probably most of them.
well i guess i should get going. I need to get back to my place for a while. I'm going out for dinner tonight. It's Gillian and Sarahs last night here so we are going out a bunch of us to have dinner. I'm sure that'll be fun.
Hope you all are well
So they last few days walking to practice in the morning (and ofcourse the walking back from it aswell) i've just been thinking how lovely it is to be here and how i want to just simply enjoy every minute of it. Just doing the simplest things like walking down the street. It's great fun..cause it's INDIA!
So the other day i had a funny experience fixing my shoe. My shoe had broken and i just asked this man if he could maybe put some glue on it. It ended up taking him maybe forty mintes..practically taking my entire shoe apart..even the one that wasn't broken..glueing it and then sewing around the whole things (both shoes) at first i was in bit of a rush cause i was supposed to be going with Gillian to meditation. Then i kind of decided.."ah what the heck, i've got two months" so i sat down in that little cupboard thing that is his workplace and just watched him turn my shoes in to a new pair. It's a nice change of life to not constantly be in a hurry. Even though the slow pace sometimes gets to you, i think it's actually quite important to just..slow down.
After my shoes had gotten the indian "extreme makeover" i came here to Anu's and used the internet (and ofcourse to have a giant smoothie with peanuts and chocolate in), i even got to talk to my sister, her husband and their two little kids. With webcam and sound and everything. Ah it was great. First just seeing them and then actually getting to have a conversation with them. It made me very happy. Somehow just seeing them and talking to them actually made me less homesick. Usually i see my sister several times a week and we will talk together every night on the phone for like easy an hour just about ordinary stuff. And i hadn't spoken to her for almost a month!! Which has been awful thinking about it now. So it just fellt so nice to have a chat with her. Made me think of how much they all mean to me. But instead of making me sad and more homesick it just made me feel so fortunate so be on this amazing journey and at the same time have such an amazing family at home.
Sydney (my 10month old niece) had learned how to wave and she was waving to me over the web. Oh it was the sweetest thing ever and it made my eyes water and to see Hailie (two and a half years) and hear her say "look it's michie, you're in Inana(india)" oh it just was lovely =) So thanks dear family for that .
Today i had a really good practice (isn't that nice when that happens) I seem to be able to bind in mareechasana d now on both sides actually (with the foot in cheating here no) It feels good..well good might be exaggerating actually on my left side it does still hurt a little in my knee. But still it makes me feel that something is actually happening. Sometimes you'll go so long with feeling nothings happening with the body and then you suddenly realise you're able to do something that you couldn't for a week or a month ago. It's nice.
Also Sharath gave me a new pose today, kurmasana. Haha i couldn't really get it to work. He had to help me quite alot. Still i found it fun to get a new pose. I was kind of laughing at myself for doing the pose so ugly and he just smiled and said "we just take it slowly" or as Patthabi would have said "practice practice and all is coming"
isn't that a lovely saying..i mean really it works on everything.
So after practice, and after a nice breakfast at Alia's where this weeks craving seems to be their homemade peanutbutter. I went to a cooking class here at Anu's. It was actually Anu (Ganesh's wife) who held the course. I really enjoyed it. We got to learn how to make a mungbean daal and paneer (for the palak paneer) It was fun and interesting and ended with us getting to eat the amazing indian food. I hope i'll be able to cook some of the food here when i get home. It really is a sensation for the whole mouth. I'm not sure we can get all the spices though. But probably most of them.
well i guess i should get going. I need to get back to my place for a while. I'm going out for dinner tonight. It's Gillian and Sarahs last night here so we are going out a bunch of us to have dinner. I'm sure that'll be fun.
Hope you all are well
Postat av: Manne
Det verkar som att du verkligen har kommit till rätta nu. Hoppas att du kan ta med dig lyckokänslan hem. Det vore väl kul att känna sig lite glad även när man är hemma också.
Kul med en ny pose, snart kanske du kan sätta dig i ditt eget knä. :) Det är alltid roligt att läsa din blogg och höra att allt går bra.
Take care
Postat av: Lisa
Yes it was great to be able to talk to you and see you! the girls loved it! Made me miss you Sooooo much though:) But it made me really happy to see you doing so good and looking so happy! Love you, and keep enjoying every new experience!