Tuesday, February 10, 2009.

I have mosquito bites everywhere. And then i really mean EVERYWHERE. Especially on my legs and on my arms. They don't seem to mind the mosquito repellent stuff i put on, who knows maybe they love it, maybe it attracts them. Hum.
This morning i wasn't feeling so good when i woke up, I didn't sleep very good last night, may have been because of the moonday. I kept waking up, like from a nightmare or something. Which is strange cause usually i sleep entire nights without waking up. Either way i woke up feeling a bit sick in my stomach, or mostly feeling as if i was going to be sick maybe. But i dressed and went away to the shala for yoga anyways, i just took it a bit easier and more carefully. It ended up going quite okay really. The feeling went away more and more during the day and i ended up feeling better and better. I'm so glad i went even though i wasn't feeling too great.

Today we've mostly been lazing around. Laying by the pool reading or having a swim. So nice really to try and relax. Try to not think of things.
We drank fresh juices and stretched a lot today. It's been a very nice day. Afternoon class today was fun. I was almost not going to go cause i felt unfocused, dad wasn't either going to go first but then we decided that we probably should go. I'm very happy we did go cause we had asana adjustments which was very interesting. We got to adjust eachother in different poses. It was very interesting and fun! =) I liked it, i really did.

Oh and the frog. Well somehow he managed to get inside my room. Well maybe it wasn't the same one that has been sitting on my step every night but this morning when i got up and turned on the light in the bathroom a little fat frog jumped across the floor over to the shower and hid behind a bucket. While i was at yoga he must have gotten out how- i do not know!

Oh and also i have contacted someone in mysore who seems to be in charge of accommodation there. I e-mailed this guy and he said he'd show me the different options available when i get there. Also i through him ordered some kind of pickup from Bangalore airport. It feels good.  =)

Well now: shower, to try and get this mosquito stuff of me..it's like all sticky. Then: my book =)

Hope you all are well.


Postat av: Henrik

Grodan verkar skön, har du kollat så att det inte är en prins?

Smart att du styrt upp lite boende och hämtning i Bangalore också. Det är alltid skönt att ha de praktiska grejerna ordnade.

Ha det kalas!

2009-02-10 @ 15:35:39
Postat av: Lisa

oh sweetie, don't worry about stuff, hope you´re feeling better now, focus on having a nice time and enjoy the relaxing environment. And give our parents hugs and kisses from me!

Love you!

2009-02-10 @ 16:05:32
Postat av: Manne

Tråkigt att du har mått lite dåligt, men det är bra att du fortsätter med yogan så att du håller dig koncentrerad på andra saker. Nu är det verkligen nära till Mysore, roligt och spännande.

Hade så bra. Kram

2009-02-11 @ 07:16:50
Postat av: madde

hej tjejen!

skönt att läsa att du har det bra (trots alla bett)...

vilken dag åker dina föräldrar hem?

saknar dig! hoppas du har det bra...

ta hand om dig!


2009-02-11 @ 12:35:32

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