Tuesday, February 24th, 2009.
Today is tuesday and it's a moonday today, yesterday was a holiday(shiva something) which means that two days in a row of yoga have "fallen away"
I'm kind of feeling that i am settling in more and more for everyday here. And it feels good, I like it. The first few days i was just like "everywhere" I fellt like totally overwhelmed and confused at the same time. Mostly i was overwhelmed with all the free time I fellt that i suddenly had. It's strange cause at home i very rarely have free time to just do whatever i feel like and then Bang i'm here and it's...i don't know how to explain it really. But it's nice. I'm thinking two months here will do me well.
So I haven't actually been doing so much lately, but somehow the days have been seeming to pass by, I've been having like 2hour breakfasts at Alia's which is a very nice way to start the day. Sitting under tha palm tree's out of the sun just socialising with random people. You really do meet a lot of interesting people around. It's quite nice to meet other people who also have devoted a special time for just yoga. It's nice to have that certain thing in common, yet being so different in other ways.
So i went to the market, which i may have mentioned (sorry i have actually no idea what i've written here or in e-mails) and i don't tend to go back and read what i've written either cause when the internet is working i want to get the most out of it =) I just wrote quite a long e-mail to my father which dissappeared without me having time to save it =/ just a bit annoying but that's life.. =)
So market one day, and then i went to the pool one day as well which was very nice to just be able to cool off in the water, as i might have mentioned its' getting hotter for everyday, we're heading towards summer here, which is clear. About 37C today and yesterday, which makes it not so nice to be in direct sunlight. But the warmth is nice for the practice, somehow my body doesn't get the same stiffness here that i do back home, and i think it has a lot do to with the weather. The body seems to be warmed up most of the time.
So i went to meditation yesterday evening. There is meditation at this certain place every monday, tuesday and wednesday evening. Some people i've gotten to know have been going and they recommended it so yesterday i went as well. It was interesting but i found it a bit difficult. My mind has a way of fluttering away to other places as soon as it gets a chance, so i think i'll have to work on making my mind stay in the same place as my body =) But i will go tonight again. The meditation teacher was very good though. He seemed like a very nice person.
So i haven't actually done so much today, since there was no practice i slept until eight which was nice, then had my two hour breakfast and drank more coffee then i have like the entire last week so i feel a it buzzy at the moment, but it's nice. I think i'll take a walk and photograph a bit. I'm meeting Gillian for a late lunch/early dinner before meditation. That'll be nice.
Well i just wanted you all to know that i'm okay..very much okay actually. I'm enjoying india very much so far. Enjoying all the differencies =)
have a nice day.
Today is tuesday and it's a moonday today, yesterday was a holiday(shiva something) which means that two days in a row of yoga have "fallen away"
I'm kind of feeling that i am settling in more and more for everyday here. And it feels good, I like it. The first few days i was just like "everywhere" I fellt like totally overwhelmed and confused at the same time. Mostly i was overwhelmed with all the free time I fellt that i suddenly had. It's strange cause at home i very rarely have free time to just do whatever i feel like and then Bang i'm here and it's...i don't know how to explain it really. But it's nice. I'm thinking two months here will do me well.
So I haven't actually been doing so much lately, but somehow the days have been seeming to pass by, I've been having like 2hour breakfasts at Alia's which is a very nice way to start the day. Sitting under tha palm tree's out of the sun just socialising with random people. You really do meet a lot of interesting people around. It's quite nice to meet other people who also have devoted a special time for just yoga. It's nice to have that certain thing in common, yet being so different in other ways.
So i went to the market, which i may have mentioned (sorry i have actually no idea what i've written here or in e-mails) and i don't tend to go back and read what i've written either cause when the internet is working i want to get the most out of it =) I just wrote quite a long e-mail to my father which dissappeared without me having time to save it =/ just a bit annoying but that's life.. =)
So market one day, and then i went to the pool one day as well which was very nice to just be able to cool off in the water, as i might have mentioned its' getting hotter for everyday, we're heading towards summer here, which is clear. About 37C today and yesterday, which makes it not so nice to be in direct sunlight. But the warmth is nice for the practice, somehow my body doesn't get the same stiffness here that i do back home, and i think it has a lot do to with the weather. The body seems to be warmed up most of the time.
So i went to meditation yesterday evening. There is meditation at this certain place every monday, tuesday and wednesday evening. Some people i've gotten to know have been going and they recommended it so yesterday i went as well. It was interesting but i found it a bit difficult. My mind has a way of fluttering away to other places as soon as it gets a chance, so i think i'll have to work on making my mind stay in the same place as my body =) But i will go tonight again. The meditation teacher was very good though. He seemed like a very nice person.
So i haven't actually done so much today, since there was no practice i slept until eight which was nice, then had my two hour breakfast and drank more coffee then i have like the entire last week so i feel a it buzzy at the moment, but it's nice. I think i'll take a walk and photograph a bit. I'm meeting Gillian for a late lunch/early dinner before meditation. That'll be nice.
Well i just wanted you all to know that i'm okay..very much okay actually. I'm enjoying india very much so far. Enjoying all the differencies =)
have a nice day.
Postat av: Manne
Att bara sitta still och inte tänka på allt är en omöjlighet. Men jag ser fram emot att få höra hur man ska lyckas med det.
Simma lugnt
Postat av: Anonym
37 degrees...wow! I can imagine you need to visit that pool! Fun with the meditation, I can see how it would be hard to concentrate, but maybe you get better at it?
Love to read the blog Mich!