Saturday, February 07, 2009.

No practice today. Resting day. It felt both weird and nice to have a sleep in today. Sleep in means getting up at 7 though. But compared to 5 it feels like a REAL sleep in.
Actually the body quite quickly gets in to a routine, friday when we had lead class it didn't start until 6 which meant i could sleep half an hour longer. Still I woke up at 5 and thought i'd overslept.
I felt a bit tired this morning, we had movie night last night. They put up a big screen and have a projector. We saw the movie revolutionary road. I liked it. It was nice and cosy to sit outside in the warm dark watching a movie while drinking tea.

Yesterday mom, dad and I took a taxi to Ashwem beach. It was a bumpy 20 minute ride there. But the beach was Ashwem(awesome!!) haha, we milked that joke a bit too long =)
No but really the beach was beautiful. Goa is famous for the lovely beaches here. I took a long walk along the beach with my dad. It was very nice.

Today we also went away to a beach, this one was a bit further away, about 40-45minutes maybe. The beach was called mandrem, also a very nice beach. We went in to the water and i had a great time running around jumping in the waves. Yeah i'm not joking, take me to a nice beach and i will behave like a kid chasing waves and jumping. I love standing on a beach and feeling the water coming up over my legs then going out again and you can feel how the sand goes with the water and starts to dissappear under your feet. Wonderful!

Driving back from Mandrem today I got a real kick out of all the houses. They paint a lot of houses here in all kinds of amazing colors. I saw bright yellow ones, lime green ones, hot pink with white trim, purple with green trim etc etc. It really is fun to look at. Every taxi ride is a journey unlike anything you've been through before. Hah serious, there are cows EVERYWHERE and passing other cars...on bridges! Yet it all works which fascinates me the most.

Now i'm home, or back at purple valley atleast. Just had dinner, great as always. Indian vegetarian cuisine.
Now i'm drinking a cup of chamomile tea. I think i'll go read or socialize or something now.

take care.


Postat av: Manne

Skönt med lite vila. Det är väl självklart att man blir som ett barn när man kommer till stranden, det räcker med en vattenpöl. Nästa gång kanske ni får kolla på The Strangers ;)

Ha d göttmos kram

2009-02-07 @ 15:51:06
Postat av: Lisa

Nice to have a sleep in and go swimming and jumping in the waves! "It´s the BIGGEST one!!!"


2009-02-08 @ 18:44:09
Postat av: Henrik

Hej du,

Grymt med lite sköna vågor!

Är det mycket västerlänningar i krokarna där ni håller till?

Simma försiktigt!

2009-02-10 @ 08:32:12

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