Purple Valley, Goa.
Well i'm in Goa now, at purple valley, it is sooo beautiful here. And soo much watrmer than in Agra. Much more vegetation here too so it looks actually nicer, and then it is more touristy so they clean it up a bit better i think. Hot hot hot today! It will probably take a few days to get used to the heat, but it is lovely.
Yesterday at the airport we got frisked, as usual and the lady doing it pointed at my necklace (and looked a bit cross) "open it!" she said, and i did and when she saw the pictures of Hailie and Sydney she melted and said "aaaw how cute!" and i said something like "yes, my sisters kids, they are adorable" then she stamped my ticket and let me go.
Oh and on the airplane first thing a woman came around with a tray with drinks on and asked "sweet lime?" haha yes! remember in darjeeling? I sure got a kick out of that, the sweet lime tasted sweet but i couldn't stop laughing while i was drinking it! sweet lime! that's hilarious, isn't it? Maybe it's just me.
Purple Valley is as i mentioned, beautiful. It is a secluded yoga retreat, we live here, eat here, yoga here. With people with the same interests. There is a pool. And a lovely shala. Oh the shala is beautiful, i love it. Training started today, we had a welcome meeting last night and they informed us about everything, you could either start to train at 5:30, 7:00 or 8:00. They asked who wanted to start when. We are quite many, 37 of us i think, a lot of beginners it seems like. "Who wants to start at 5:30?" not many hands up, just about five or six, i was one of them. hell yeah i want to get up at 5 and start training, i couldn't wait. Allthough actually starting early is for the really 'good' people, which i wouldn't say i was one of, but still it was fun to start early, plus the fewer- the more help! It was amazing to start so early though. It was cooler outside and dark, the shala is close to my room, there is a stone path on the way there that was lit up by little lights, very mystic and magical, pitch dark and all those little lights.
Then in the shala it was candle light. Very pretty.
I hadn't done my practice in a while, like over a week i think, but it went quite well for being the first time in a while. Got lots of help i thought, from petri. It was fun. After practice i drank tea with mom and dad and then we had a wonderful breakfast, lots of different kinds of exotic fruits. Delicious!
It's lovely to be here, and that the only thing on my schedule is to do yoga in the morning and then lounge around and read and drink tea. Me and dad took a taxi to Mapusa market to buy towels, you get very sweaty training here so you need towels. The market was fantastic, so much happening. We got towels and we even bought some pomegranates, they were the prettiest pomegranates i've ever seen and probably the tastiest. yum.
Lunch in about an hour, i'm getting a bit hungry. All meals are vegetarian here, served buffet style. Dinner last night was typical indian food which means delicious!
Well i better post this before it dissapears =)
Again, Lisa and Manne thanks for your comments, fun to see someones reading.
miss you.
Kul att ni äntligen börjat träna, och seriöst av dig av börja köra 5.30 :) Fast det är ju faktiskt därför ni är där. Jag ser verkligen fram emot att få se lite bilder, för om det är så fint som du beskriver så är det verkligen något extra. Ta hand om er. Kramkram
How funny with the necklace:-) I cant really remember the sweet lime thing from darjeeling, but we boroowed it from you so we´ll have to see it soon.Love ya!
haha sweet lime! coolt. nu kan du ju åka hem när det inträffat... bättre än så blir det ju inte! :D
jag är nyfiken på bilder!!
hoppas du har det bäst.. kramar
Kära lilla kusin! Jag kollar din blogg. Kollar på bilderna och läser rubrikerna. Thats it. Skulle verkligen vilja läsa och följa men jag är såååå kass i att läsa engelska! Blir som dyslexi. =( SKITTRÅKIGT!!! Give my love yo onkel Roland and aunt Wendy. PUSS OCH KRAM
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Sweet lime -Jag hade nog fan dött!