
I will admit that I actually do try to make an effort in using the computer. But nine times out of ten.. or actually somedays ten out of ten, there is a sign saying power failure. So I've been here in mysore for almost a week actually. And i've managed to use the internet twice, and then i'm sorry to say i've been prioritising to write to my family instead. i am.
As i mentioned I am obviously in mysore now which most of you probably already know. I am currently sitting at the nearest internet place from where i live..Anu's Internet Cafe`. And NO that was not a typo.. it really is called Anu's. Yeah maybe it's just me but i swear everyday walking by that sign, it makes me giggle..just abit if even just on the inside.

I left goa last friday and my flight was like really delayed, was supposed to originally leave Goa airport at 13:35, but it got delayed till 15:35 which we found out before we left the airport..still once there it was even more delayed..finally I left Goa at 19:45. Besides Goa airport- not much to do. My parents flight to Delhi was also delayed so luckily i had them to chat with. It felt so strange to say goodbye to them, to be at the airport together but heading seperate ways.
I finally arrived at the green hotel in mysore after the flight and the four hour car ride from bangalore at one o'clock in the morning. And after being on the go for most of the day, starting with early morning yoga and lots of just sitting around waiting to leave..and crying buckets it felt so good to finally be her in mysore and most of all to finally get to sleep.

I registered at the shala on sunday and got to start practicing on monday. Oh the feeling. I'm not really sure how to explain everything, the first riskdha ride to the shala. Seeing all these things i'd only seen in pictures. We drove past amruths cafe` and it fellt so surreal to finally be here. It was like looking at my fathers photographs and then bang..i'm here.
Okay so first practice i came way to early, my starting time was 8:45 I got there all nervous and anxious to start at 8:00 So sharath let me start earlier(after asking me why i was SO early) I had a good practice though even though i was just mainly so so soo very amazed and happy to be there and to be seeing sharath and saraswati in real life. Everytime they talk to me or even look at me i swear i have to pinch myself. It's just so cool and huge being here it really is.
So, as i mentioned earlier i had contacted this guy in mysore. Murthy. He is in charge of accomodation here, actually he runs a bussines(with his wife i think) which kind of does most things. (note to self: take photo of murthy's sign saying all the things he does.)
So he showed me an apartment. Which looked nice(think indian standard nice) and well that's where i now live. I stayed four nigts at the green hotel which was really nice and i moved into my apartment on contour road tuesday. I have my own shower and toilet connected to my bedroom, then i share a "kitchen" with someone else..allthough actually no i don't cause so far it's only me in that apartment but eventually i guess i will be sharing it with someone.
I like my place i really do, I had like really low expectations which makes me think it's very good. and very much worth the price.
So so far my days have been, getting up walking to the shala, about ten minute walk which is a very nice way to start the day. Practicing, then drinking a coconut outside the shala. Then going home having a cold shower =) cause when the electricity doesn't work...neither does the hot water =) ahh..india. Loving it though. eventhough i from time to time tend to get just a bit frustrated.
After showering i've been going to Alia's for breakfast which is like a yogi hangout where you sit drinking chai and eating breakfast. It's strange being able to have time to eat breakfast for two or three hours. They serve "western" eggs etc. And lovely fruitsallads. After going total vegan in Goa I couldn't wait to eat eggs. Seriously i've had fried eggs for breakfast three days in a row. And just thinking about them now makes me think i'll probably be having it tomorrow as well.
Who.. power failure again.. surprise surprise. Anu's just came in and said that the internet will be working for maybe a little bit longer just so i guess i should just upload this now. and then continue another day.

Well I'm alive that's actually all i wanted to say..still you all got like a total essay instead.
Thinking of you all and missing many of you, certain people lots and lots.



Postat av: Lisa

Anu´s...hmm....I laugh everytime I see that in writing, you HAVE to take a picture of the sign!! If there is one.

Love ya!


2009-02-20 @ 15:11:29
Postat av: Manne

Kul att äntligen höra av dig igen och veta att allt går bra. TOO FUNNY men Anu´s, kan ju inte vara på riktigt. Grymt att du hittade en lya som du trivs med, verkade vara hyffsat läge också. Som sagt, kul att du äntligen är DÄR och att allt går bra. take care kram på dig

2009-02-20 @ 16:10:02

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