Manali guest house.
Yay! i'm at manali guest house, took a taxi here. I wanted to get out and try to find an internet place with cardreaders. Fifth day of yoga today, went well but my body isn't used to this kind of intense practice and so many days in a row. But i'm liking it! After breakfast both mom and dad were going to have some treatments at the ayurvedic hut. So I thought i'd go out exploring a bit, but mainly i wanted to find a internet place with cardreaders and a bit more reliable internet than at purple valley. So i got a taxi and asked the driver to take me to manali guest house first thing when we get in the car the driver locked all the doors..strange.But here i am at Manali guest house, seems like some kind of backpacker place. The keyboard is awful, Shift and Enter you have to press down so hard my fingers allready hurt. But they have cardreaders =)
I'm not sure but the pics somehow look a bit blurry but i'll upload a few just so you can see.

The buffet table.

Above the coffee and tea table.

The lock on my door.

This is my room, room 31.

The terrace.

Lounging area.

Isn't it beautiful?

Astrovarti =)

Mapusa market.
Well there you go, a few photos atleast. And oh is Mannes birthday, happy birthday Manne! And also for you a special picture:

I asked at the market "what are those things?" and the man said: "good for when diabetes!"
i'm off again for new adventures!
Woosh! all gone.
I'm not sure but the pics somehow look a bit blurry but i'll upload a few just so you can see.

The buffet table.

Above the coffee and tea table.

The lock on my door.

This is my room, room 31.

The terrace.

Lounging area.

Isn't it beautiful?

Astrovarti =)

Mapusa market.
Well there you go, a few photos atleast. And oh is Mannes birthday, happy birthday Manne! And also for you a special picture:

I asked at the market "what are those things?" and the man said: "good for when diabetes!"
i'm off again for new adventures!
Woosh! all gone.
Postat av: Manne
härligt ställe ni verkar bo på, roligt att äntligen få se lite bilder. Jag får göra ett efterskick på diabetesgurkorna, dom kanske funkar :)
Postat av: Henrik
Kalasfina bilder!
Kul att se och läsa vad som händer.
Synd att inte Wendys dator har kortläsare för CF-kort (systemkameran).
kortet från lillkamern ska funka däremot.
Ha det kalas och hälsa indierna!
Postat av: Anonym
ååh! det ser helt fantastiskt ut.. ! det pirrade till i magen när jag såg bilden på marknaden!!
allt var supervackert.. här snöar det och jag fryser jättemycket...
jag hoppas du har det jättebra och lär dig att superyoga! =) hälsa indien från mig... kramar!
Postat av: MADDE
oj då.. (det är madde) jag skrev det tidigare inlägget =)
Postat av: Lisa
Love the pictures Mich, very fun to se!
Love you!