life's tough, but someones gotta do it.
So lateley every time i've been meaning to use the internet there has been power failure. Really the sign "power failure" doesnt much surprise me anymore.
That's the thing about india, there happens a lot of stuff here that actually surprises you, but for being's simply normal.
So on my way to practice friday morning- lead class with sharath (very intense) me and Brooke went another way than i usually walk. It's nice that time in the morning..5 oclock. Because it's still dark and not so hot yet and it actually is quite quiet as well =) either way on our way we suddenly heard a dog start barking and then from up a head on the street we were walking on there came all these pigs running. Yeah..PIGS. It was soo strange I had to stop and count them. Fifteen pigs in different colors and sizes...just walking there together on the road at five in the morning. Yeah we had a good laugh at that. Then this morning on my way to lead practice- with Saraswati, I walked past this group of people mostly women but a few men, chanting and singing. Just walking in two straight lines five in each row, singing their hearts out at five in the morning. How great isn't that?
So practice has been quite good the last few days. Friday i went to the pool with Brooke, we tried a new pool where i hadn't been before, called landmark. Then friday evening we had movie night. Brooke brought her computer up to my place (read: to my half ass apartment which only has one chair so she even had to bring her own chair =) ) and we cooked corn for dinner, Funny thing was that cooking fresh corn really shouldn't be as difficult as it was. We were cooking them on my little electric burner, which they didn't even fit completely in to the water so we had to keep turning them over every two seconds. Then the power went out and my burner isn't gas it's electrical so we had to carry the corn in the pot of water downstairs to Brookes place (luckily they have a gas burner) so we continued cooking them there, then went back up and ate the corn (which was sooo delicious) at my house while drinking red wine and watching sex and the city. It was a very nice evening.
Saturday- no practice so we ended up going to the pool then as well. I know i'm way too lazy, it's just so hard to know what to do when it's 38C warm. You really can't walk down the street during daytime with out breaking in to a sweat attack. So we went to the southern star, layed on the grass under the palm trees and swam in the pool and drank sweet lime juice. Yeah life's tough- but someones gotta do it! =)
No really, being here, practicing in the shala..having lazy days meeting new interesting people everyday. I mean wow. Life here seems (and is) so incredibly simple. You gotta appreciate that.
Well wow i'm quite happy that i got the internet to work today. Maybe i'll try having a conversation with my family this evening, since yesterday didn't work. But now i'm off. I think we might be going to the market today..or atleast taking a trip to town.
Have a nice day everyone.
So lateley every time i've been meaning to use the internet there has been power failure. Really the sign "power failure" doesnt much surprise me anymore.
That's the thing about india, there happens a lot of stuff here that actually surprises you, but for being's simply normal.
So on my way to practice friday morning- lead class with sharath (very intense) me and Brooke went another way than i usually walk. It's nice that time in the morning..5 oclock. Because it's still dark and not so hot yet and it actually is quite quiet as well =) either way on our way we suddenly heard a dog start barking and then from up a head on the street we were walking on there came all these pigs running. Yeah..PIGS. It was soo strange I had to stop and count them. Fifteen pigs in different colors and sizes...just walking there together on the road at five in the morning. Yeah we had a good laugh at that. Then this morning on my way to lead practice- with Saraswati, I walked past this group of people mostly women but a few men, chanting and singing. Just walking in two straight lines five in each row, singing their hearts out at five in the morning. How great isn't that?
So practice has been quite good the last few days. Friday i went to the pool with Brooke, we tried a new pool where i hadn't been before, called landmark. Then friday evening we had movie night. Brooke brought her computer up to my place (read: to my half ass apartment which only has one chair so she even had to bring her own chair =) ) and we cooked corn for dinner, Funny thing was that cooking fresh corn really shouldn't be as difficult as it was. We were cooking them on my little electric burner, which they didn't even fit completely in to the water so we had to keep turning them over every two seconds. Then the power went out and my burner isn't gas it's electrical so we had to carry the corn in the pot of water downstairs to Brookes place (luckily they have a gas burner) so we continued cooking them there, then went back up and ate the corn (which was sooo delicious) at my house while drinking red wine and watching sex and the city. It was a very nice evening.
Saturday- no practice so we ended up going to the pool then as well. I know i'm way too lazy, it's just so hard to know what to do when it's 38C warm. You really can't walk down the street during daytime with out breaking in to a sweat attack. So we went to the southern star, layed on the grass under the palm trees and swam in the pool and drank sweet lime juice. Yeah life's tough- but someones gotta do it! =)
No really, being here, practicing in the shala..having lazy days meeting new interesting people everyday. I mean wow. Life here seems (and is) so incredibly simple. You gotta appreciate that.
Well wow i'm quite happy that i got the internet to work today. Maybe i'll try having a conversation with my family this evening, since yesterday didn't work. But now i'm off. I think we might be going to the market today..or atleast taking a trip to town.
Have a nice day everyone.
Postat av: Lisa
Sounds great Michelle!Enjoy lazy days, thats all you should be doing, enjoying yourself:) Brooke sounds nice, fun that you guys can hang out.
Love you!
Postat av: Manne
hmmm, det verkar vara väldigt jobbigt att bo i Indien. Bara slappa och göra som man vill ;)
Värsta guld. Ha det fortsatt superbra.
kräem on u