Thursday, April 16, 2009.

Where do i start?
Today is my last day in mysore. It's a strange feeling really, what i'm feeling. Somehow i can't help to feel that it's gone so quickly, yet at the same time so much has happened, so much has changed. Suddenly the life here has become the familiar one and thinking of my life back home in sweden suddenly seems strange, like some kind of parallel world.
But i've heard that it does go way quicker to adapt back then it did adapting to this.
I guess we'll find out.

So obviously being here has been great, i mean obviously. uuunbelievable! So i've been reflecting over the last 12 weeks, of everything i've seen and everything i've experienced and everyone i've met. And how could i ever even begin to explain everything. Surely coming home to my family will be lovely, still i will miss this.

One thing that i feel i've learned being here is how very little you really need to be happy, and also how truly simple things and life in general can be if we just don't complicate it. Sound easy maybe, though in real life i guess it somehow is harder. But yeah being here has deffinetly made me look at things in a different way, i guess travelling does that, kind of puts things in a different perspective. You learn things about the world and even about yourself that you might not always have known. Some of these things may be good and some may be bad.
Being here i think i have learned to appreciate my life at home in a different way, my life and my family. I remember as a child when i would of various reasons be upset or angry my mother would tell me "but michelle, think what a nice life you have, you have a warm house and a family that loves you" I remember being fed up and telling my mom that, that infact "has nothing to do with anything" i now years later realise that infact, being happy where you are and being grateful for what you have really has everything to do with evertyhing. It's really all about how you look at it. So thank you mom, for trying to teach me that, and i'm sorry that it took me more than ten years to actually understand what you were talking about, i guess some things in life we just have to figure out on our own.

One of my first days here in mysore i was feeling completely lost and i went downstairs and knocked on the door to Brookes apartment. She invited me in and made me green tea and we talked, i remember telling her that i allready then wondered how it would be to go back after being here. How could we see all of this and be a part of it all and then just go back and live like we always have? She told me that it was true what everyone who comes here says in some way "India will change you"
I now realise ofcourse that it is all about how you use all of your new experinces and integrate them in your daily life. But i wonder, have i changed? I deffinetly feel some kind of change inside of me, somehow thinking of myself for just three months ago i feel i've in some ways grown lots or changed or whatever you should call it. I don't know if all these changes i feel inside me are things that other people will see, but i'll tell you here and now, you might not be able to see it, but i can surely feel it.
You know the classic saying "people change" I've heard  that people actually don't change, we just become a little more of who we really are. So in that case i guess i infact haven't changed at all.
But being gone for almost three months in india has deffinetly helped me become a little more of who i really am.
and for that i will be forever thankful.

So to india, mysore and to all of the lovely amazing people i have had the joy to meet:
thanks, and also
i love you, love you, love you and i will miss you, miss you, miss you.

So i'm off to experience my last day(for this time) in mysore. Quite a busy day, i actually have lots of small errands i need to run around and do, and pack ofcourse and also maybe the most important thing of all.. scheduled chill out time. the best of all. we really all had our reasons for being here, didn't we?

until next time
you know what to do.

take care.


Postat av: Manne

Spännande att träffa dig när du kommer hem igen. Hoppas att du kan ta med och använda dig av vad du lärt dig de 3 senaste månaderna. Verkar som att någonting nått fram till dig på djupet.

What could it be?

See u soon

2009-04-16 @ 07:18:14
Postat av: Mommy

Oh Honey, What a wonderful blogg!! Of course you have changed - or as you say become more of who you really are. And all of your reflecting and philosophizing is all a part of your growth. We will have so much to talk about. See you Saturday my wonderful daughter.

Love, M

2009-04-16 @ 08:18:14
Postat av: Lisa

wonderful Michie! I´m so happy for you that you´ve had such a great time! I´m sure you´ll go back there, sounds like you love it:-)

But we love you MORE, so come home and be with us for a while now:-)

See you at Arlanda on Saturday! Hailie said today " when I see Michie, I go up and hug her and say I miiiiiised to you Michie, and Mishie say I missed you too Hailie"


2009-04-16 @ 09:46:58
Postat av: Madde

Åh det pirrar i magen efter det här inlägget Michelle! Ikväll ska vi boka biljetter till Indien i höst.. och jag hoppas verkligen att jag kommer få vara med om hälften av allt du har! på något sätt hoppas i alla fall jag att man kommer få vara med om saker som gör mig mer medveten om saker man verkligen ska lägga vikt på och saker man bara ska vifta bort.. nu känns det som om jag svamlar, men du förstår säkert!

saknar dig i alla fall väldigt mycket! ska bli kul att få se alla bilder!

kramar i tusen!!!

2009-04-16 @ 14:55:50
Postat av: Gramma Joanne

Dear "Michie" I have enjoyed so much reading about all of your wonderful experiences - I am going to miss that. I was sort of worried about you going on your trip and being alone in India for so long but I can see that there was no need for Gramma to worry. Love you and miss you - Gramma

2009-04-16 @ 21:05:34
Postat av: Gramma Joanne

Dear "Michie" I have enjoyed so much reading about all of your wonderful experiences - I am going to miss that. I was sort of worried about you going on your trip and being alone in India for so long but I can see that there was no need for Gramma to worry. Love you and miss you - Gramma

2009-04-16 @ 21:07:48
Postat av: Henrik

Hej på dig!

Which direction did yours go?

My went towards the mountains...

Vi saknar dig!

2009-04-17 @ 08:26:03

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